1.BR-14: ISO 806 314 001 524 014 for caries removal and abutment opening
2.TC-22F: ISO 806 314 164 514 012 is used to open the proximal surface, trim the gingival wall and the shoulder edge
3.RS-15: ISO 806 314544 524 020 is used for face pick-up, depth determination and preparation, buccal and lingual shoulder preparation
4.RS-15F: ISO 806314 544514 020 for face polishing, buccal and lingual shoulder polishing
5.TF-07: ISO 806 314 205 524 022 for preparation and trimming of cavities
6.TF-07F: ISO 806 314 205 514 022 for almost surface cavity polishing
7. EX-08: ISO 806 314 263 524 030 is used for the preparation of the face and pits and grooves of the veneer and the covering
8.EX-08F: ISO 806 314 263514 030 is used for polishing the contact surface and pit and groove of the veneer and the covering
9.SF-S02F: ISO 806 313 156 514 012 is used for preparation of the mesial and distal shoulders, especially suitable for the preparation of the distal shoulders of 7
10.FO-24EF: ISO 806 314 257 504 023 for face polishing, smoothing of inner line angles, buccal-lingual butt-type bevel preparation
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