1.BR-13 : ISO 806 314 001524 012 for small and medium-sized holes
2.BR-13F : ISO 806 314 001 514 012 for the preparation of round concave edge of V-type hole
3.BR-15F : ISO 806 314 001 514 016 for preparation of concave shoulder on the labial side of anterior teeth
4.SR-33C : ISO 806 314 139 534 012 for rot removal and hole edge trimming
5.SR-33F : ISO 806 314 139 514 012 for hole edge trimming and jaw adjustment
6. TA3060 : ISO 500 204 001 001 014 for subsequent de-corrosion, textured and thorough
7.FO-15F : ISO 806314 248514 010 for surface texture processing
8.TR-31F : ISO 806 314 198 514 012 for the adjacency and flash trimming of Class II holes
9.FO-28F : ISO 806 314243 514 020 for lingual and posterior teeth adjustment
10.MI-O1F : ISO 806 314 237514 008 for removal of tiny caries
11.SH3143A : ISO 658 204 243524 045 for edge polishing of natural teeth
12.RD3115 : ISO 802 204 243 504 030 for preliminary polishing after resin restoration
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